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Попов, Лев Леонидович. The Renaissance of State Administration in Russia. Selected Works [электронный ресурс]: Монография / Л. Л. Попов. — 1. — Москва: ООО "Юридическое издательство Норма", 2015 — 256 с. — Дополнительное профессиональное образование. — <URL:https://znanium.com/catalog/document?id=368733>. — <URL:https://znanium.com/cover/1211/1211542.jpg>.

Дата создания записи: 19.01.2023

Тематика: Право. Юридические науки — Административное право. Муниципальное право.

УДК: 351

ББК: 67.401

Коллекции: ЭБС "Znanium.com"

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This edition prepared to coincide with Professor L.L. Popov’s 85th birthday includes research papers most of which were published during the last decade as well as the monograph entitled "Efficiency of Sanctions in Administrative Law" published substantially earlier (1976). The problems discussed in the latter few of which have been developed further remain relevant to both modern-day theory and practice. This book is for both undergraduate and post-graduate law students law school teachers researchers employees of bodies within the executive administration and all those interested in the Russian legal system. Texts are worded as in previously published papers. Minor modifications have been made by the author purely for the purpose of clarifying a number of actual circumstances.

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