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Zavialov, A. V. History of Russia. Study guide [Электронный ресурс] / A. V. Zavialov, O. V. Antipina. — Иркутск: ИГМУ, 2019 — 148 с. — Книга из коллекции ИГМУ - Языкознание и литературоведение. — <URL:https://e.lanbook.com/book/158774>. — <URL:https://e.lanbook.com/img/cover/book/158774.jpg>.

Дата создания записи: 19.01.2023

Тематика: ЦКМС; правители России; Российская империя; Русь; СССР; труды сотрудников ИГМУ; русская история; тестовые задания; кафедра социальной психологии и гуманитарных наук

УДК: 94(470)(075.8)=111

ББК: 63.3(2)я73

Коллекции: ЭБС "Лань"

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The study guide covers the key concepts and events of Russian history, beginning from the times of Rus’ up to the present days, and helps a student develop his/her reading and presentation skills. The educational material is presented as texts of four main sections of the course, where the term in English is accompanied with its Russian equivalent, while the explanation is given in English. For the purpose of mastering the studied material and self-control, test tasks are included. Recommendations on presentations preparation, the list of rulers and historical maps of Russia given as appendices are used for better illustration of the studied material. The study guide is intended for foreign students, mastering educational programs of higher education by the educational program of the specialty of General Medicine for mastering the discipline “History”.

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